Rental Beast has an expansive team of trained specialists who are ready to address your needs. Fill out this form and find out how we can help.
We set you up with the most comprehensive, high quality listings database so you can focus on your clients. Get way more inventory than any other MLS or rental site plus all the information you need to complete a lease.
We make your job easy by gathering your client information upfront and helping you and the client navigate the leasing transaction using our proprietary CRM tool (something along those lines) so you’re prepped for that first conversation from the get-go. From their property and neighborhood criteria to ideal rental range and showing times, get all you need to your clients what they need.
Our Client Success Team, made up of current and former real estate professionals, work alongside you in your market to help you close transactions. Whether it’s tech support, inventory discovery, or help processing applications, we ready to help with every step of the rental process—from lead-to-lease.
Almost 50% of the population rents before they buy. Our intelligent database helps target renters who are likely to buy homes soon. Plus, our rigorous outreach program to thousands of small, medium and large rental property owners delivers new for-sale listings to brokerage partners before they hit the MLS. If you’re in it for the long haul, we’re right here with you.
Average lease GCI per agent
Average lease deals per agent